Kayak Tours Melbourne

Kayaking Tours Melbourne

Take a cruising, relax, scenic sightseeing guide with kayaking tours Melbourne, leisurely paddling down the Yarra River to Melbourne’s Docklands for lunch before heading back to home base in Abbotsford, Sea Kayak Australia. It is an excellent experience to be a part of Melbourne’s grand kayaking tours in Melbourne. Join MLC with Meetup Group as we venture on this great adventure as one, meet new people with similar interests and just good old fashion fun with kayaks down the Yarra River.

You don’t need the experience to enjoy this great sport, need some swimming skills in case you accidentally fall off your kayak. All and all, this is one of the fun things to do in Melbourne. Come and join our Meetup Group and RSVP for this kayaking tours in Melbourne.

Outdoor & Life Adventure Meetup Group, 3rd of May 2015

Meeting Location

Date: Saturday, 23 May 2015

Meeting Time – Our meeting time is 09:30 am, preparation and leave at 10:30 am.

Lunch – Pack your own lunch to make life easier, and hot drink to keep you warm.

Parking Option All day car park available round Victoria Park train station, which is about 2 minutes walking distance to the house where the Sea Kayak Australia is located.

Public Transport – Stop at Victoria Park and walk over and take Southern Cross Train Station back home!

Final Destination – Docklands, get picked up by Sea Kayak Australia. Only 6 seats available, others have to take the train back!

Kayaking Tours Melbourne – Costs $60

Kayak rental costs:

  • Full day $60 for a single kayak or $80 for a double kayak ($40 each)
  •  Hire fees includes the craft, paddle, buoyancy vest, spray cover and pump.

Organiser Fee of $5 each

It will take us roughly about 2 hours to Herring Island for lunch and 2 hours to Docklands to be picked up.

There are eight double Kayaks available – to join forces for the trip if you like a partner and single also available.

Weather Conditions:

For keen adventurers with wet/slightly drizzle – we will go 🙂

Please confirm your updates ASAP if you are not coming closer to date!

Nep’s Contact Number

My cell phone number is 04 1151 6787 – Give me a call if you have questions or update your status

RSVP with MLC Meetup Group – Kayak Tour in Melbourne

Kayaking Tours Melbourne